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Have you "achieved" your 2024 goals?

Still sorting out your 2024 goals? May I suggest - support your local farms.

How? Join a CSA- community supported agriculture. You get a weekly or monthly or however you arrange it box/ bag of seasonal, locally grown produce. Some will deliver and some have a pick up location. Some offer just vegetables, some mix both. Some add egg and honey or there are others that offer even meats and grains or flowers. The choices are local.

Why? This is the most important reason. When you support your local farmers you support the local economy, you support local entrepreneurs and businesses people, you support your local environment and the health of the soil. You support a larger network or farmers who are maintaining produce that is not available in the grocery stores. You support non-gmo, organic, biodiversity, regenerative, maybe even renewable energy, heritage and heirloom seeds and seed saving and so much more.

You also support your health. The biodiversity in your gut ecosystem. Your long term health. The health of your family. Your immune system. Your hair and nails and skin. You spend your money on your health while supporting so much more. And in some ways - you can also save. You learn to eat seasonally. You expand your pallet and your horizons. You learn new things- you expand your mind- and your family’s.

Start- start by visiting your local farmers markets and taking to them. Yes they exist even in the winters of the north. Look into starting now for spring and summer items. Farmers need capital to start their seeds and crops now. Check out local to see what’s in your area.

Be nice. Don’t ask "are you organic" and walk away if they say no. Ask questions. Being organic certified is REALLY expensive and often not such a great standard. Most farmers have their own methods, don’t spray or cannot afford to pay for this piece of paper. Build a relationship and keep the lines of communication open.

How do I use these items? A lot of times farmers even send out newsletters on how to cook new items. And then there’s Google and YouTube- the information is endless! Finally- maybe just shop local 1 day a month.


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